Friday, January 28, 2011

The Stork-billed Kingfisher

I chose the Stork-billed Kingfisher as the mascot for this blog, mostly because it's just incredibly cool-looking.  Moreso than any of the images of various actual storks I found.  

Like most midwesterners, I have never seen a Stork-billed Kingfisher.  They populate Southeast Asia, from Nepal to the Philippines, living on heavily wooded lakeshores and riverbanks and mangrove  -- er -- groves. 

One website from Singapore describes their hunting habits:
"Stork-billed Kingfishers eat mainly fishes, using their large heavy bills to good effect to catch and kill their prey. From their perch, usually about 2-4 m above the water, they will plunge into the water.... Prey is brought back and whacked senseless against the perch.*"

This, I want to see.  A bird takes its its prey back to its perch and whacks it senseless.  Especially one that has this crazy over-sized scarlet beak, a yellow body, and bright blue-green wings.  Now there's a mascot for you.  Three parts deadly killer and three parts pure circus.  

With animals like this on the planet, why would anyone ever need to write fiction? 


Sunday, January 23, 2011


Welcome, whoever you are, to Stork Raving, a blog about science, nature, education, and as the blog title implies, whatever I might have to say about it, rants included. 

Almost guaranteed: observations of what's at my birdfeeder today, the weather (rants included) labradoodle tricks,  landscape, wind turbines, and especially when the ice thaws, about living on the lake.  Boats.  The garden.  Compost.  Vegetables.  Things sacred, and not.

Unlikely topics: the Superbowl, television, Facebook (we have Facebook for that).  Tea Party politics. 
But no guarantees.